Sunday, June 4, 2017

    13:00 - 16:00

    Chimeda is paddling again! 

    Chimeda - We are paddling*, in collaboration with The Ottawa Art Gallery | La Galerie d'art d'Ottawa and Gallery 101 present: 

    A Paddle Painting Party + Birch Bark Canoe Chat with canoe builder Pinock Smith**.

    WHEN: Sunday, June 4th, 1-3pm

    WHERE: Gallery 101, 51 B Young Street

    Venue fully accessible with on street parking 

    Join us for a paddle painting party + conversation with Pinock Smith @ Gallery 101, Sunday, June 4th to share knowledge and learn about traditional Birch Bark Canoes while you paint your own paddle, in support and celebration of the youth-driven project Chimeda - We are paddling, before the paddling trip June 28 to July 1st, 2017. Learn more about Chimeda here:

    Anyone can drop in to paint and/or listen, and be part of the conversation. 

    This event is FREE to the public, and will take place in English, with translation from English to French available (see Emily).

    Painting materials generously provided by Ottawa Art Gallery. Graciously hosted by G101. 

    After the workshop we will walk down the street to Dow's lake around 3pm where Pinock has offered to let participants try out a traditional birch bark canoe on the water. 


    Pinock is Algonquin from the Kitigan Zibi Anishinabeg Nation near Maniwaki, Québec. He builds canoes with a particular interest in Algonquin birchbark canoes. He is also a gifted craftsmen of toboggans, cradleboards, paddles, drums and other traditional crafts. Pinock has participated in many demonstrations and workshops that allow him to pass on the traditional knowledge handed down to him. He has appeared on the television series Bushcraft Survival, offering a special course in birch bark canoe making and Northern Wilderness making traditional snowshoes. He is in awe of the intelligent way his ancestors crafted traditional tools using only raw materials. Pinock's passion comes from his desire to preserve and teach the traditional skills and canoe building.


    “Reconciliation is about healing relationships, building trust and working out our differences.” – Romeo Saganash, NDP MP

    “Chimeda – We are paddling” is reconciliation in action. What is it?

    Chimeda/We are paddling is a youth paddle along the Gatineau River to Ottawa, Ontario for ten youth living along the Gatineau River - half from Kitigan Zibi and half from Wakefield / Chelsea. Participants will learn camping skills, how we can take care of our water environments, and teachings from Algonquins and settlers of the region. It is an opportunity for these youth to become future intercultural leaders. Most importantly, it is a chance to have fun together on the water! This year’s Chimeda/We are paddling will be a three day canoe trip and learning adventure along the Gatineau River from June 28th to July 1st, 2017.

    The first youth paddle took place in 2015 and the shared experience created memories to last a lifetime! The idea for the youth paddle was inspired by the friendships created between Chelsea, Wakefield and Kitigan Zibi during Paddling for our Waters in 2013 and 2014 when our communities paddled together down the Gatineau River from Maniwaki, Qc. to Victoria Island in Ottawa on Canada Day to raise awareness of threats to our waterways.

    Community members are invited again to join Chimeda participants to paddle our waters together to Ottawa on July 1, 2017. This year three other “Brigades” will also be paddling from the South, East and West into Ottawa on the same day.


    Donate money toward trip expenses. Charitable tax receipts can be issued. 

    Click here for more info and to donate.

    Provide meals and snacks for our trip! 

    Contact Scott Duncan <> or Celine Whiteduck <> for more info. 

    Join us and to learn about other ways to help leading up to the paddle :

    Finally, please spread the word and share with your networks!

    Let us know if you have media contacts – we’ll share our press release with you. 

    Celine Whiteduck - Kitigan Zibi - 819.449.5092 <

    Scott Duncan - Wakefield - 613.299.9836
